Paralegal Testimonials
“Once I knew we had to work from home, I made sure I brought my Litigation By The Numbers home. I use it as my go to all the time. Thank you so much for creating this book, I truly love it!”
Anna D’Angelo, Legal Assistant, Ontario, CA
“Even as a paralegal with over 13 years of experience, LBTN is my first go-to source for anything litigation. I use it all the time! It’s definitely worth the investment for the book and the updates.”
Crystal Byrum, Paralegal, Law & Stein, Irvine, CA
“I use [LBTN] regularly as a tool to clarify rules, training and confirming my interpretation of state court rules. It’s a soup to nuts set that should be in all law firm libraries and Calendaring Departments.”
Susan Sterios – Calendar Coordinator, Alameda, CA
“I have relied on LBTN and its companion volume many times in my freelance paralegal business. It’s a no-nonsense, tool you’ll refer to again and again.
Jeff DiCello, Owner/Paralegal at DiCello Paralegal Services, Santa Rosa, CA
“I love this publication. It seems to answer every question I ever have as well as the questions I look up for my co-workers. I’ve had it for about 2 years now and use it weekly. Litigation by The Numbers is by far the most thorough, concise, and effective publication I have ever used. Thank you!”
Anonymous, Paralegal, Encino, CA
“I really appreciate this reference material and use it frequently! Saves me the time needed to constantly check the various codes for updates.”
Elizabeth Woods, Freelance Paralegal, Magalia, CA
“We love this book! Thanks for sharing. We recommend to all litigating paralegals out there!”
San Diego Paralegal Association on Facebook
“I’m now retiring after being a legal assistant/secretary/paralegal for more than 30 years. I have appreciated our relationship over the years and still feel you have the single most important reference work for legal secretaries in California.”
Wendy Larsen-Cleaves, Leona Valley, CA
“LBTN is a jewel. We use it all the time. It is an easy to read and understandable, comprehensive resource. In fact today I am using it to figure out how to serve someone who is avoiding service of process.”
Linda Fox, Paralegal, Placerville, CA
“My professor always told us to make sure we never lose this book because we would regret it. I am sure glad I listened because I am working for a litigation lawyer now and I use this book religiously. It’s a great tool!
Cristina Munoz, Paralegal
“For a paralegal, new attorney or student of the law, it is an excellent resource and falls into the KISS category of book — keep it simple stupid.”
Jason P. Gold, Paralegal, Long Beach, CA
“Whenever we debate procedure over here, my supervisor always asks, ‘Where’s your Litigation By The Numbers?’”
Betsy Birdsall, Paralegal, Los Angeles, CA
“I have had this book now since graduating the UC Davis program [2005] and have used to it to the point of falling apart! This was one of the best perks of our program and I absolutely rely on, and love this book. “
Macie R. Mc Kinstry, Paralegal, Stockton, CA