Calendaring in State Court Video-STU (2025)


Instant download of the hour long step-by-step calendaring video with practice exercises. No refunds once downloaded.

SKU: VID-4Stu-1 Category:


This video is for new and experienced practitioners, staff, students … anyone who has to calendar even a single CA state court deadline!

Learn the complexities of calendaring in California state court, including the steps that must be taken to calendar deadlines correctly. Find out about the types of changes that are made to codes, rules, etc., that affect calendaring. Learn about common mistakes and traps and ways to avoid them.

Several included calendaring exercises allow you to immediately practice the steps and see how easily you can fall into a trap or misapply a rule. Focus is on calendaring deadlines for pleadings, discovery, and motions. One hour in length not including pausing to do the exercises.

Upon purchase, you will receive links to three files: (1) Video Download, (2) Materials, (3) ReadMe. You will need to download them all. Download links will appear in your Order receipt at checkout and via email.

You will need VLC Media Player to play the video. Instructions for downloading VLC are in the ReadMe file. 



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